About us


Locol economy , needs constant creative empowerment for it to become progressive , with the rise in corporate businesses popping up in local commnities and steady hikes in business rates , there has been a slump in new innovative enterprise models starting up .

However with the right support and a stable location, an entrepreneur has greater chance of becoming the next big business story .

Thats why we will be soft launching our Market place in the centre of Brent , North west London .

With high street names such as Costa Coffee and Holland and Barretts being welcomed to Harlesden , there's now that reason to stop and it is a great opportunity to set up a open shopping mall style market place for visitors to leave with a little flavour of what the area really has to offer . .

The London borough of Brent , is the most diverse borough in England.

From the Shri Swaminarayan Mandir in Neasden, to the iconic Wembley Stadium arch , it's known for offering visitors memorable experiences ..

and we'll like to do the same in Harlesden - the road to all the attractions .

If you are ready to


get involved/booking a stall  today by requesting an application form popupupnw10@outlook.com

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